Chanel may have joint ventures with other brands, but the company does interact with other department stores, where Chanel products are sold. There is a level of "trust" and "relationship commitment" involved in this interaction, that Chanel shares with allowing certain places to carry product items. In most department stores, such as Macy's, Bloomingdales, Harrods, etc. Chanel markets to those who can afford the brand but preferably to women ages 16-80 years old.
In terms of business purchase decisions, Chanel takes great pride in their customer service and goods and services. As being said since the company is a consumer's market they are very personal when it comes to all aspects of buying behavior and purchase decisions. Chanel builds strong relationships with consumers, and are extremly accommodating to the needs of customer's by keeping up with their personal requests. This may be another factor in why the company has been so successful for over a century with, a estimated amount of $3 billion yearly.